Just to let you know.
(too old to reply)
2009-07-14 00:17:53 UTC
7.13.09 Month, date, year, post****Stephen Paul Vanier..........All
Rights Reserved ......Not to be reprinted or e-mailed or shared
without the written permission of the author Stephen Paul Vanier.
Copyrighted '09. ----- alt.consciousness.4th-way,
alt.zen,talk.religion.buddhism, alt.sci.astro

*************SPV.......I got nothing to do but get well. Now I got a
summer cold from all this crap screwing around with my swollen hand.
I did two days in the hospital. They took all this blood because they
could not contain the infection. No AIDS. No Hep-C. No nothing. I
am as clean as a new born baby. 'cept for this cold.
Jakub A. Krzewicki
2009-07-14 04:32:15 UTC
wtorek, 14 lipca 2009 02:17. carbon entity 'Chiun'
Post by Chiun
*************SPV.......I got nothing to do but get well. Now I got a
summer cold from all this crap screwing around with my swollen hand.
Just like me, except it was my foot bitten by a huge flock of about 25-30
tropical mosquitoes, quite unusual in Poland where I live (f**king global
warming or what?), and had some hard recovering scratchings, with a
relatively mild local infection. And I wasn't/ain't going to the hospital,
I rather try to recover by doing a piece Qigong and Shaolin Gongfu
exercise. Succeeded in that my foot is no longer swollen, so the consequent
"summer cold" will likely also cure itself soon. I dunno your case, maybe
is too serious, but generally I am convinced that the majority of your
people in the western countries are too dependent from your doctors,
antibiotics, painkillers, etc. instead of using natural immunity against
mild septic infections.

During Communism there were serious problems with such medicines, and
doctors reluctant to give'em, but in fact (not in a propaganda) there were
not so much serious septic incidents than after regainig full independence.
Why? Despite the lack of another sophisticated medicines we had full and
free medical service of vaccination series which help to strengthen natural
immunity and tried more over the hygiene during the first aid. So we dodn't
need to poison all the illnesses or wounds except when deadly necessary.
tois egregorosin hena kai koinon kosmon einai
ton de koimomenon hekaston eis idion apostrephesthai
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